Gogol Research Centre

Gogol Research Centre of Nizhyn Gogol State University unites researchers of Gogol work from all over the world. The Centre gives a lot of scientific seminars and publishes a journal “Gogol Research Studios” which includes the results of different research: Gogol works of his last years of life, bibliographic data about Gogol, Gogol and Christianity, Ukrainian novelettes of Gogol, etc.

The history of the Centre dates back to the year 1854 when the Gymnasium of Higher Sciences teacher’s recollections about Gogol were published in the magazine “Moskvytianyn”. The Gogol Research Centre had its ups (the beginning of the XX century) and downs (20-ies, 60–ies). Still there were all necessary conditions for the development of the Centre: a huge archive database, original manuscripts of some Gogol’s works and the materialistic culture of Nizhyn that had an impact on Gogol’s artistic world formation.

The modern history of Nizhyn Gogol Research Centre dates back to 1979 when at Nizhyn Pedagogical Institute All-Union Scientific Conference “Gogol and modernity” was held. More than 150 scientists from different republics of the former USSR took part in that event.  That year was the beginning of active Gogol’s theme research. A lot of materials were published: scientific works about Gogol, materials of seminars, aids for teachers.

The main lines of research of the Centre were formed in that period: Gogol and Nizhyn, fundamental problems of artistic legacy of the writer, Gogol’s  bibliography.

UNESCO announced the year 2009 the year of Gogol. It was the 200th anniversary from the date of birth of the great writer.  Nizhyn Gogol State University took active part in that event. In May the X jubilee international conference “Gogol and modern world” was held. Researchers of Gogol’s works from all over the world took part in it.  Besides, the anthology “Gogol’s genealogy” was published that year. And finally workers of the Centre took part in jubilee   international Gogol’s meetings in Lutsk and Poltava.


The leader of Gogol Research Centre

Pavlo Myhed  – Doctor of Philology, professor, head of Slavonic literatures department at Shevchenko literature  institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Scientific interests: research of Russian literature (Gogol in particular); Ukrainian – Russian literature relationships.

Leading bibliographer of Gogol Research Centre

Lina Kostenko – PhD in Philology.

Scientific interests:  works of V. Vynnychenko, literature of XIX – XX centuries, artistic picture of the world, artistic and psychological dominants. The author of 15 scientific works of Ukrainian literature, a winner of regional poetic competition (Chernihiv, 2001), a winner of international competition of scientific articles (Berdyansk, 2014), a participant of Ukrainian and international scientific conferences, an editor of professional scientific publications.

Contact Information

2 Hrafska Street, Nizhyn, Chernihiv region, 16600, Ukraine

Telephone: +380463123633